Home is...
Home is where you grow up in your neighborhood and settle in your life. It's like your home base, your space, your special place. There are so many things you can sense in your home.You can smell cooking, air fresheners, the fireplace, clean fresh clothes, and pets. You can't really taste much in your house but food and water, but I thought OUTSIDE the box and came up with more things like: toothpaste, food, water, mouthwash, plastic and gum. You can hear most of these things in your house like: the vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, the tv, coffee maker, and cooking. You can see the tv, rooms, phone, kitchen, lights, and chairs. You can touch the couch, the remote, the bed, the light switch, pillows, chairs. You can touch really anything! Some feelings you feel at home are: happy, sad, angry, cozy, safe, and lots more!
There are so many things you can sense in your home. Whether it's just a plant or a laptop, or a pet, anything you see, touch, taste, feel, or smell, is something you sense about home.
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