The Meaning of Home
If I have five words to explain home I would say: Family, Love, Shelter, Food and Sleep.
To me Family is: my brother, mom and dad that love for me and care for me, and they will play with me all day, that take me to the barn so I can ride. Family is people that you love and love you back.
Love: love is what people do for you, and when they say “I love you so much” it warms your heart, and you light up so bright. I love it when I say, “I love you” and they say “I love you, too” back to me. I love to have campfires and being able to sleep under the stars, going on my boat, paddle boarding, swimming in my pool and having fun with my family. Playing with my dog and brother, and having my cousin come over to have sleepovers with me. Fighting with my brother but also playing with him. Walking my dog with family at night and in the day. Eating snacks with my brother and having races with him. Watching TV with my family and friends and eating popcorn!
Shelter: it doesn’t matter where you are be who you’re with. Shelter is a roof over your head with people you love.
Food: food is what you eat and love to eat. Every Wednesday we have tacos and once a month we have butter chicken which is my favorite food ever. When my mom or dad says, “foods ready”, I come running the kitchen, and say, “yay, food is ready”.
Sleep: sleep is going to your bed and cuddling up in your blankets and sleeping. I love sleeping and being all warm in my blankets. I love jumping on my bed after a long day and just sleeping. My dog sleeps with my sometimes and I love it! My home means a lot to me, and home means a lot to everyone that has one.
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