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The Meaning of Home

Home is more than just a house. Home is more than just a roof over my head. It’s a place where I gather memories, have fun and most importantly, feel loved and safe. Home is where I smell and taste fresh baked cookies straight fresh from the oven. Home is where I get to lay in my cozy bed after school and read after a long and tiring day. Home should make me feel like I belong. Home makes me happy because I get to see my family. Home is where I get to dance to my favorite music (Mainly Taylor Swift). Home is where my bed is so I can get my pajamas on and get into my bed with a good snack and listen to music. Home is where I can snuggle up with popcorn, hot chocolate, and watch scary stuff on the TV. Home is where I have fun. Home is where I belong. A house is just wood and bricks, but home is love and everlasting.


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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