Home Sweet Home
Home sweet home is the place where you stay . There are many things in a home but some are less important than others. Home is important because; it’s the place you can sleep, it’s where you keep warm in the winter, it is important because it’s a place to be with family.
Home is the place you can sleep in comfort. We as humans need sleep and in a home with comfort, we can get the right amount of sleep and we'll be refreshed. With an uncomfortable place to sleep we won’t get the right amount of sleep we can get cranky. With a place decorated to your comfort you can get a perfect night's rest.
Home is the place to keep warm in the winter. Keeping warm in the winter is important because you have a lower chance of frostbite. In a home at winter time you can get a warm blanket or go by the fireplace. The winter could be fun but also really cold. In a home you can make hot chocolate to keep warm.
Home is the place to spend time with family. Spending time with family is the most important because you never know when you’ll lose them and having a home to do it is even better. The time spent with family is the best with a home you can do more with them like watch a movie or do family night. Nothing is better than having a home cooked meal with family. With your family with you every step of the way you can do much more and it will be safer with them.
In conclusion, a home is important to sleep, to keep warm in the winter, and spend time with family; that’s why home is important.
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