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Meaning of Home

A “home” and a “house” are very different. A house has walls, a roof and a door. A home has love, sympathy and much more. A home is where you’ll find close friends, playing all day and where fun never ends. My home is where I’ll find my brother and sister, laughing all day but they do sometimes pester. My home is where I’ll find my dad working hard, making us glad. My home is where I’ll find my cat, laying around and being fat. My home is where I’ll find my dog, maybe sleeping as still as a log My home is where I’ll find my gecko, he likes to climb his vines and won’t let go. My home is where I’ll find Comfort. My home is where I’ll find Love. My home is where I’ll find a safe space. Home is where I’ll find sweet scents to fixtures & handles. Home is where I find care in every corner. Home is where I find cat hair everywhere Home is where I find my dad making delicious pancakes every Saturday morning. Home is where I find my siblings fighting, my dad always giving them a warning. Home is where I find warm hugs. Home is where I find Hot chocolate in blue mugs. Home is where I find happiness. My home is where I’ll find my family, it might not be perfect but that’s okay with me.


Grade 6

Hamilton, Ontario

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