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The Meaning of Expression

Home for me is expression. It is where I have both verbal and nonverbal communication and the people that live with me understand what I am saying. Home is love, and I love my home because it is where I sleep and where I wake up. It is where I see the sun rising in the east and the sun setting in the west. It is where I eat, bathe, and have safety. Home is where I see my family and where they love me no matter what I do. Home provides my likes and helps me with my dislikes. Home is where my mistakes are embraced and where my family doesn’t judge me. At home I know my family will treat me kindly. Without a home there is nothing, and it doesn’t have to always be a place, it can also be a feeling. I love my home so much and without my home I couldn’t live. Home is the life blood for everyone. My home is all I know and all I will always know. It's love, it’s kind, it’s forgiving, and has all my memories.


Grade 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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