Meaning of Home
What word could mean different things to so many people? Some just see it as a location where people live. For others, it's a comfort place or a place of love. What makes you feel “at home” is a question asked by many people. Regardless of who I talk or play with, if it’s someone I can call a friend or if I value them, their surroundings become my home. All the amazing things I do with people I love make me feel at home. I’ll talk about how swimming and baking make me feel at peace. Firstly, my heart always fills with joy when I and my friends swim together at the lake or pool! I also love it even more when I go swimming with my dad. He was the one teaching me how since I was three! Ever since then, I have fallen in love with swimming. I could never turn down going with anyone! Also, Since I was about about five years old, baking with my mom has always been one of my favourite activities. I gained a lot of knowledge. It made me love baking, and to this day, I still do! To wrap up everything, the meaning of home doesn’t have to be the same for everyone. It can be different and have the same value! Therefore, stop taking things for granted and start having fun with people you appreciate!
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