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The Meaning of Home

The meaning of home for me is happy because i spend time with my family. We like playing games eating dinner or just talking to each other. The game that we play is cover your a$$est(that is what the title of the game is)and it is really fun and intense and after we all hate each other.We also have a dog that we all love her name is Molly. we love hanging out with her cuddling and taking her for walks.My little brother Maverick and I we go to the park and play soccer a lot and he is really good at soccer and it is really fun.I also play video games and it makes me happy. The video games I play are Fornite and Roblox. I play with my friends like Fletcher,Weston,Ben,Usman and Cedric. My family and I like to watch movies together. We usually watch action movies because they are intense and fun to watch. At home I spend time with my family,friends and my dog.Finally a lot we just relax and do our own things and have lots of fun.That’s my meaning of home. The end :)


Grade 6

Barrie, Ontario

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