Pa is Home
Home means many good things: it's where your family lives and they are always there for you when you need them. Home for me means Pa I love him so much. Here is the story about Pa's Home. It was a good day at Pa's home. Everyone was so happy with the neighborhood. Pa is making pupusas with his wife, sons, and daughters they are having so much fun. The food is so delicious. The food was so cheesy that it was more cheesy than cheeto puffs. He had so much food so he invited all of his family. It was a massive feast, like the food at a wedding, and they were so happy they were invited.
Afterwards, his uncle invited him to his home. This is when things started to change. While they were there Pa’s uncle's truck was suddenly bombed. The bomb sounded louder than a balloon popping. Everyone has almost died like rotten fruit in a bowl with good friut, but they had just escaped.
Two months later Pa's wife's cousin was in a transport truck with Pa's uncle and there was communism in El Salvador. People called the Gorillas had many guns and they wanted to take over and told Pa's uncle to let them in or they would die. The Gorillas were in the truck and then the police came and shot Pa's wife's cousin. Filled with fear, pa’s uncle ran as fast as he could home. That day a good man had passed away.
Pa's wife was so sad she cried for days. 2 weeks later the police thought that Pa was working for the Gorillas so Pa went to jail for a year. At the jail, the police put Pa in a bag, they closed it tighter than a ziplock bag. The police then told him what the Gorillas were planning on doing but Pa said that he did not work for them so the police hit him with the butt of a gun. Pa was in pain.
Wanting to escape El Salvador's communism he had two choices, go to Australia or Canada. Pa chose Canada. A year later Pa and his family immigrated to Canada. In Canada, lots of people helped Pa with food and water. A couple weeks later Pa had enough money to buy a great home. Pa’s home means his family. Pa is grateful for all of the people that helped him. Be like the people who helped Pa. Other people immigrate to Canada without homes please give to those in need.
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