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I think of home when I go home, and my family is there. Home is when you have a roof over your head and a floor below your feet. Home is where I have all the fun opening Christmas presents from under the tree and in all the stockings. Home is where I wake up to find an amazing breakfast to eat. Home is where we have fun, embarrassing, and silly moments home is such a good place to be when you really need the help sometimes home can mean that you don’t have a roof over your head, and you don’t have a floor below your feet it might mean that you just have a family to comfort you but when you really need the help from a family member they will always be there for you no matter what. Home is where you can find sad, happy, and frustrating things about your family. Home is a place where I come home and see my siblings. Home is where I wake up on holidays to see gifts, treats, or just hugs. Home is where I can find a nice dinner. Home is where I can have my friends over for sleepovers and play dates. Home is where I can get in trouble If I am being rude. Home is where I can have fights with my family but then forgive them. Home is where I can have fun outside in the snow, grass, sand, and water. And that is what home means to me. By: Charley


Grade 5

Lansdowne, Ontario

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