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In My Special Place

Home is where I always feel welcome and come back to the clean scent of cleaning materials like soap my mom uses all the time. Home is where I snuggle up on the cozy couch with soft blankets and I can be my real, weird self with my family. Home is where me and my 2 sisters mess up after my mom just cleaned up. Home always has a place in my heart. Home is where I am always so excited to come home to the smell when my mom is cooking. Home is where my mom makes the best lasagna ever and the tastiest chin-chin in the world. Home is where memories will never be forgotten. It's like the relatives who passed away have an emotional connection with me and my family. Home is where I make mistakes and I always learn from them. Home is where I feel loved by family I love and look up to. Home is where I celebrate Christmas and New Year with my family. The most exciting part of New Year Day is seeing the fireworks over my head. Home is where I snuggle up into my messy bed right after I come back from school. Thank you, Habitat for Humanity, for building houses that people can call home.


Grade 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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