What does home mean to me
Home is not just a house and some people forget that. For me home is the people that surround me, the neighborhood that will always feel the same and the joy of seeing my family all together having a good time.
Don't get me wrong, I know a home is also a house and some people think of their house as their amazing home because they have amazing memories there.
But I move a lot to a whole bunch of different places so I don’t have just one house that I grew up in. So I think my home is being with the friends and family that I love so dearly.
One of my favorite homes to me is when I get to go to my dance studio. Actually, I used to go to another studio called Oromocto Dance School and it was my all time favorite. I had all my best friends and they were like my sisters.
My favorite memory with my old studio is when I went to Quebec with them and we won a competition and ran around the hotel. But now I am at a new studio because I moved and now I am at Studio 26 Dance Co. But I am so excited because I will see them at two competitions this year. So I think what I am trying to say is, my home is my girls at dance.
So to summarize, what home means to me is seeing my sister happy, my family and friends that love me, the neighborhood that has so many memories, and the loving hugs from my favorite people that I love so dearly. So that's what my home is at the end of the day.
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