The Meaning of Home
Home can be many things to many people. What do you think home is? Home to me is cars,peace, and well fighting.
To start my essay
In my house it’s all about cars. Cars this, cars that. Me, my older brother and my dad all love cars from the emblems to the car itself. We love cars so much that my older brother has 200+ hot wheels cars. My mom will sometimes get tired of it. All in all we probably have over 1000 car toy cars + to real ones i love cars so much.
Another reason why is
I don't like it but my little brother fights with me all the time.He likes to get me and my older brother in trouble.He will lash out on me and it hurts my feelings.He thinks he is right all the time and it gets on my nerves.He gets away with everything and it is really annoying.
My last reason
I feel peace when I'm outside in the driveway with hockey pucks.In my driveway thar is a hockey net with plywood on it.The plywood has holes init and i fier pucks at it.I’m trying to put a hole throw it.I don’t know why but i feel peace when i shoot hockey pucks.
And to conclude
To me home is my little brother trying to agitate me firing hockey pucks and car talk. This is home to me. What is home to you?
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