Home doesn't just mean the house you lived in. Home could be your best friend's house that you are always at. Home could be being with your friends or family. Home could be anything from a place, person to a thing.
Home could be the smell after your mom makes a pie or making pie with her. Home could be the sound of nature after going on a walk. Home could be the smell of the ocean when going swimming with your friends or the smell of flowers well going on a walk.
Home could be shopping with friends or going out to eat with your family. Going to a football game with your dad or going to a movie with your mom. Home can be just enjoying company from friends or family talking or not.
Home could be learning something new or teaching someone something new for them. Home can be just anything you do with a certain person or just by yourself. Home is whatever feels like home.
Home is whatever makes you feel safe, happy and comfortable no matter the thing, person or place. No matter what it is, it can be home.
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