I'm safe with mom and dad. We have a roof and strong walls. The walls don't fall and I'm warm inside. We have a yard where I play with my brother. In the back yard there are lilacs and dandelions that I pick to make bouquets with them and the purple flowers near the kitchen. I love to water them in the summer. I take care of all of the trees and plants.
We have a weeping willow, three pine trees and a maple tree. The weeping willow is hollow but it is still living and keeps growing. I feel relaxed when I sit under it and it makes good shelter. I used to call it a sleeping willow tree when I was younger. It's my favourite tree. I have lots of fun memories with the weeping willow when my dad would chase me and I would say focus, daddy focus and stare in his face. That was when I was much younger. The weeping willow is a special place to me and I love that weeping willow.
Mom cooks good meals.They smell spectacular and also taste good. I love when she cooks spaghetti and meatballs that smells so good. I love poached eggs for breakfast with all the yolk; the yolk is so yummy. I love poached eggs but I am not a big fan of bacon. The smell of momʽs cooking makes me feel warm and toasty and loved.
When I am at home with my brother, he shares his toys with me and I feel loved. We love to colour with each other and play garage where we play with his trucks and use his building set to fix all of his trucks. Colby likes to play with my dolls too and sometimes wears my jewellery. He is the best brother ever!
I feel love when mom and dad are kissing and hugging me. I'm thankful for a home, a loving Mom and Dad, and lots of food and lots of toys. There's no place like home. I love my family and my home.
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