If Home was a Feeling
If home was a feeling
If home was a feeling, it would be my parents comferting me at all times.
If home was a feeling, it would be warmth like a fireplace.
If home was a feeling, it would be feeling safe at any moment no matter what.
If home was a feeling, it would be the coziness of a blanket keeping me warm
during a cold night.
If home was a feeling, it would be my parents inspiring me to do the right things.
If home was a feeling it would be my pet by my side at any moment at any time.
If home was a feeling, it would be the comfort of my couch well watching movies
with my family.
If home was a feeling, it would be the feeling of enjoyment of spending time with
my loved ones.
And I thank God that I have a proper and safe roof over my head. I thank habitat
for humanity for giving other people the feelings that I have.