All Home Means to Me
Home to me is a place where we’re accepted no matter what. When I come back from school, I inhale the delicious smell of supper getting made. It’s not all about the building called a house. Your home may include some buildings but it’s also the memories you make. To me it’s also the community that surrounds us as we help each other if needed. Home is also all those enjoyable times spent with friends that go by in a blink of an eye. Its those evenings where the family gathers and play board games. None of us care who won because we just enjoy the moments together. Home is the walks during the summer with Sydnee Johnston and Charli Racine my very dear friends. Home to me is those wonderful joyous memories spent with friends, family and even pets. Those toys and objects that I keep close since childhood are part of my home because they carry lovely memories. All those people, moments, objects and feelings All Mean Home to Me!
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