All Around Home
Home doesn't always have to have a white picket fence
As long as you have the spirit that represents
What you stand for and why
Because home is the reason why
And you can not absolutely can not deny
Home is the most amazing place on earth
Where unseen magic is birthed.
The living room doesn't always have to twinkle
Just as long as it has the sprinkle
Where gleaming lights are always on
There's no competition as to who won
Where the most special memories are made
Ones that truly never fade.
A place where the aroma is always sweet
Is also the place where we can eat
It is the place where we learn
What everyone in the family yearns
Everyone's deepest wishes are seen
In the kitchen we truly know
There's nowhere else we can grow as much as here
With the best smells of the year.
In the playroom we can play
Where we can truly fully display
What we know and who we are
And we can all be shooting stars
Each in our very own way
We share who we are through the way we play.
In the bedroom we not only sleep
But feel the comfortable to always keep
Everything that we always know
Anything we cannot show
To the world that we know
Where we think of change and how we can grow.
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