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Home Means Love

Home is the most magical place because I make good and bad memories but I'm still loved so so much. Home is the most magical place. Waking up knowing I'm safe makes me feel the happiest. Home is magical in so many ways but for me it's waking up on Christmas Day. I know my wrongs, I know my rights, being home is such a delight. Home is where I make all good memories. Playing Manhunt with my family until we can't breathe. Playing in the snow until we freeze. Watching movies with my mom, we watch them all night long. Home is like a big warm hug. Grandma's hugs are the best but knowing I'm safe in my home almost beats the warm hugs. Having a house is so great but being home means so much. Hand in hand, heart to heart, I love my home more than the stars. Home is a place of love no matter where you live. Home is the most loving place on earth, no matter if you have bad days. Home means to make memories of celebration. Home means to be safe all day every day. It is important to love your family and your home because you grow up there and you finish there.


Grade 6

Belmont, Ontario

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