Four Walls Filled With Love
Tall tree towering over me
Blackberries growing in the field
where animals run free
Big brothers comforting me
Tire swing swinging
Hearing our laughs
The fireflies glow like stars
Playing at the park across the street
My backyard was a jungle
In the garden, we grew greens
The dollhouse was bigger than me
Watching television on Sunday
Trying to make a Voodoo Doll
with my brother
Powwows on the weekend
Looking for bugs on a rainy day
Staying up to see the pink sunrise
Waking up at seven
just to hear the birds singing peacefully
Mom and I baking pumpkin cookies
in the kitchen
Mom waking me at five for hockey
Sleepovers with my aunties
Playing hide-and-seek
in the dark with cousins
Mom teaching me how to braid
Dad teaching me self-defense
I feel safe in my home.