Home is My Favourite Place

Home is my favourite place to be…It is warm, cuddly and I’m surrounded with my favourite people. The noises in my home can be loud, calm or even annoying, but I don’t mind what noises are in my home because it is the best home ever! At my house I feel, happy, comfortable and safe. Some houses are small, big, or giant, but mine is just the right size for me. My pets include two dogs and two bunnies. I share my house with my dad (Thomas) and my step mom (Sarah). One thing I love about my home is I live in a very kind neighbourhood and I have very nice neighbours. That’s obviously not the only thing I love about my house. My house also has a really nice yard. I have three yards, a front, side, and back yard. All of my yards have flowers, bushes, and trees. We try to plant a garden every year but sometimes it doesn’t turn out good. But we just laugh about it. My dogs love my yard. I love my home. <3


Grade 4

Saint John, New Brunswick

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