Home is the Heart
If you love people, animals, or anything really, that means you have a heart and with your heart you have a home.
Home's where you spend the holidays.
Home's where you make memories.
Home's sad times.
Home's mad times.
Home's fun times, when you just don’t wanna stop playing.
You're at home as long as you're not alone.
If you have a home you’re gonna have traditions. One of mine is every summer we go camping, and we stay up late, have bonfires. And if we're going camping there has to be, and I mean has to be a pool. One of my other traditions is that on Christmas Eve we always watch a Christmas movie before we go to bed. Anyways, even though traditions don’t stay the same, change can be good.
My home is crazy because I have three siblings, there’s pets everywhere, and there's more cousins then you can count. But in all that chaos there’s love, and love comes from the heart. And that makes a home.
No family’s perfect and especially not mine. But that makes us special and incredible. All our differences bring us together, as a family we have a home and it’s right in our hearts, even if you don’t know it.
Personally, home to me is having fun, being with friends, or family and making memories. Moments become memories even if you don’t know it and memories are there forever. Memories come from the heart, and then you’re at home.
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