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Meaning of Home

Home is a place where it is all about loving and caring, Home is not just a building made out of bricks or cement, it's like the blood in your veins, home is life. Home is where it is all about being comfortable and relaxed. Home is a place where all your stress and worries vanish, Home is having fun playing board games with your friends, Home is sitting on your nice warm couch while playing games. Home is family, home is like tree roots it's like you are alive and free Home is an area where it is all about family it is the area of love and caring home is practically your life, Home is FAMILY, home is LIFE, home is LOVE, home is CARING Home is a nice warm beach with clear and warm water. Home is where AMAZING things happen Home is where all your wishes come true Home is paradise, home is an area to chill with your friends and have a spectacular time, Home is a place where it is all about family and friends Home is spectacular, home is amazing, home is fun, home is love, home is caring, home is EVERYTHING. home is all about family reunions and seeing your grandma, grandpa, cousins, aunt, or uncle, home is all about family, Home is watching movies with your family and friends, laughing crying, and having fun Home is like a cliffhanger, you don’t know what will happen until you experience it, and that is what home is. Home is like the secrets to be yet uncovered, home is everything Home is a part of your heart, you can’t live without it, Home will always be in our heads and hearts, and it will always remain a memory.


Grade 6

Bradford, Ontario

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