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The Meaning of Home

For me home is a warm cozy place, where I can be myself. Home is full of joy and love. My parents are my home even when I'm far. I am always safe no matter what in my home. I may be scared but my home is my protective barrier. I may be sad, but being in my home makes me happy. My home is not just my small house, my home is everywhere, even in places I don’t like, I can still call it home. I am at home when I am with my friends. I am at home when I am with my family. My closest friends who feel like family like Scarlett are my home. I am home wherever I go. Whether I am at school or at a cafe. If I am doing something good, having fun or even doing nothing. Nothing will change the fact that no matter where I am, what I am doing, or who I’m with. I am always at home.


Grade 4

Richmond Hill, Ontario

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