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What Home Means To Me

What home means to me, home means to me people that have supported me as I achieve my goals while having a cheerful time. Home doesn't always mean to have food or a place to sleep. It’s a place where we get to play board games or watch movies, and snuggle up on our couch with a cozy blanket. Home is a place where we get to grow up and remember the times that we got to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and have fun. Home is a place where we feel safe and secure, without any fear. Home is a place where we are with our loved ones that we hold dearly for life. Home is a place where we feel loved as everyone else. Home is where I get to play hide and seek, or get to play in our pool on a hot summer day with my family. Home is as warm as the sun Home is where I am with my loved ones even on road trips, vacation or on our lowest times no matter what! Home is a place where we find our best self, and find who we are meant to be.


Grade 6

Whitby, Ontario

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