Home to Me
Home is a place to hang your hat if you don't have a hat , hang yourToque.home has many memories . Home to family, home to you, home to me it's my home and yours we live separately but together.home has many few or no pets it doesn't matter its home.home live, love laugh and have fun.
Home is a place for memories. Memories to come and go. Memories of good and bad. Memories have meaning to remember.
There are many people in my family .Young and old,scared and bold. For me take care of and to be taken care of.to help me and to be helped. Family is just fun.
Home with pets is extra homey a home with none is just the same. Pets have many shapes and sizes. We take care of pets and pets do the same . pets we all have them in a way . Pets are people in a different form.
Home is warm and fuzzy. Memories of my home are priceless.my family has fun with me. My pets are fluffy and cute.Home is a place to hang your hat. If you don't have a hat , hang your Toque.
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