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Home is the Best Place to Be

Home is my happy place. Home is so much more than just a structure. Home is where you close your eyes and count to three. Home is where I feel free to do anything I want. Home is my sad place. Home is more than a bed where I sleep. Home is more than a place that feeds me. Home is more than just a sappy, lovey dovey place. Home is more than a bundle of walls and windows. It's a place that nurtures you. Home is a place where you feel what you need to feel. It is a place where you slide your back down your bedroom door. Home is a place you cry until your head can't take it anymore. It's a place where someone holds you so tight that you can't breathe. Home is where nobody has to see you. It's a place where clumsy sisters drop pots and pans in the kitchen. Home is where my mom shows guests embarrassing photos that are framed on the wall. It's where oma never remembers any of the passwords. Home is where everyone has a chance to jump up and scream because they won monopoly. Home is one of the best places to be. Home is my safe place. Home is more than a strong foundation, it's a foundation of my faith in god. Home is where you remember your loved ones in heaven. Home is where I feel needed. Home is my happy place.


Grade 6

Grunthal, Manitoba

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