Home is what I love

Home is where I bake, It's a place where I watch my dad eat cake. I have two and they’re both special, In both I feel successful. Sometimes I feel glad, and sometimes I feel sad. Your home, you should love, When you know there's a roof above. Home is where I laugh, It's a place where I do crafts. Home is a place where I laugh with family, It's the place where I even got my first cavity… Home is where I get ready for school, Or even get ready for when I go to the pool. It's the place where I say goodbye when leaving for vacation It’s also a place where I make great creations. Home is where I feel like smiling, And when someone comes over waving shyly. It's a place where I eat, While I come up with a good beat. Each month and day, My home will slay! Thank you habitat for humanity, For making every home great!


Grade 4

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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