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Meaning Of Home

Meaning Of Home By: Heidi Hasey 6-Linden Home is not a huge house, with loads of money, or a perfect family. Home is not a place. Home is like a feeling of love and joy. Home is waking up in the morning, Home is feeling cold air when you open your door to outside, Home is when you’re with your non-perfect family. Your family might not be enough, but they will always be there for you and with you whenever you need help even if there’re not actually there. Home is the feeling taking a nap after school, Home is going to school and seeing your friends, Home is randomly remembering your funniest memory ever and laughing for no reason, Home is where you grew up and was rooted, Home is your culture and traditions Home is being grateful for home cooked meals Home is small taking with people you don’t even now but think they are kind, Home is visiting a place you haven’t been since you were little, Home is zoning out and being so thankful for what you have, Home is where you can talk about anything and no one will judge you, Home is when you feel the water hit your head in the shower, Home is accidentally waking up really early and realizing how pretty the sunrise looks, Home is listening to your favorite song, Home is being with your favorite people and laughing until you start crying, Home is feeling free and alive and out in the wild feeling your hair blow in the breeze, Home is everywhere. We are human and deserve a home or a place you belong.


Grade 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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