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Home is a place where we laugh and cry, sing and fly, and look into the sky. Big or small, Home is the best place for us all when you just wanna just run away from those who hurt you. Home is where you can be yourself without anybody judging you, love yourself without a person yelling at you, and the place where you will go to sleep warm on a bed all snuggled up in a blanket. Memories will be framed on the wall awaiting for more memories to be nailed on the wall. A loving family will live in a Home and love every moment in it. Home is where you cuddle in your bed on the coldest nights saying, “Hey, I’m warm!”, knowing that you're safe. Home is where you can make weird memories without a person laughing at you. The time you have rough days at school, moving on to highschool, or getting ready for a family to bloom; Home will be there for you. Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for giving those in need with this amazing opportunity of getting a Home. I wish the best for all and give my thank you to Habitat for Humanity.


Grade 6

Cambridge, Ontario

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