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Meaning of Home

Home sounds like shouting. We are always happy, there is no pouting. Home sounds like my parents snoring. In my house life is never boring. Home sounds like me flipping pages of a book. Downstairs you can hear my mom cook. Home sounds like cars. At night you can see stars. Home sounds like the doorbell ringing “ding dong”. You can also hear me sing to my favorite song. Home sounds like the birds chirping “chirp chirp”. Sometimes you can hear my dad burp. Home sounds like my mom turning on the stove. Home feels like a cozy cove. Home sounds like clapping. When we are watching a funny show we can’t stop laughing. Home sounds like TV. I can even hear my sister’s Siri. Home sounds like eating “munch munch”. I just can’t wait for lunch. Home sounds like my mom talking. When my sister listens to music, I can hear her walking. Home is the best, so much to explore I couldn’t say less or more!


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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