Meaning of Home
Do you know the difference between a house and a home? In the Collins
Dictionary the meaning of a home is a place where you live and feel you belong. Also in
the Collins Dictionary it says the meaning of house is a building where people live. For
me the most important part of a home is the people and it feels like a place where you
want to spend your time with those you love and it also gives you safety. A house is a
building that provides shelter. In my opinion, what makes a house a home is the people
in it, the comfort you feel and all the memories you make with your loved ones.
My family makes a house a home. When I go through hard times or good times
they’re always there. Like when I have a good or bad day. They give me comfort when I
need it. They provide for me and give me everything I need. They also love and keep
me safe. When I’m sad or feel like I don’t belong somewhere they make me feel loved
and cared for. The reason they make a house a home is the comfort, love, and safety
that they provide.
I have a lot of memories in my home with my family. Just some of my favourite
memories are at Christmas time or just in the winter. The first one is with my big brother
Evan. Me and him went into the forest and played in the snow together and had a blast.
It’s easy for me to remember because I loved that time with him and it was just so much
fun that we had together. Another memory was my first time riding my brother's dirt bike,
and let me tell you it was a disaster. I went up a hill and ran into the chicken coop and
got stuck. It is easy for me to remember because I had a lot of fun and got stuck at the
same time. I can just look back at myself and laugh. The third memory is with my Dad, I
always would reach my hand into the hood of the truck and help fix whatever was
broken. The final memory is with my Mom, I always love baking with her. It is always a
lot of fun. These two memories always stand out to me because I was spending special
time with my Mom and Dad. Those are just a dot from the memories I have at home
with my family.
My home is my home because of the people that live in it with me. My family
makes a house a home because they make me feel safe and home is my comfort zone.
So that is where I like to spend my time. Home is home also because of the things in it,
like my favourite books, the furniture that is in it that make it feel like home. I have all of
my sports gear, my piano and my favourite books. Music, sports, and reading all make
me feel at home. I’m very comfortable with music, sports and reading. I love my home
because I am with my family and they make me feel nice and safe. My home is a place
where I spend almost all my time. At home I memorize scripture and learn about God.
That is my home and what I love about it!
Have you ever wondered who deserves a loving home? If you have, I have the
answer to that question and EVERYONE deserves a loving home to live in and have
that safety. I'm very thankful for what the Lord has given me and blessed my family with.
Everything he has given me I am so very thankful for. As you can see, a home is an
amazing thing to have, to be safe and have protection. I hope this essay helps those
who are less fortunate than I am get a home and have safety and protection.
I give my Mom and Dad a big thank you for all that they have given me.
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