Everyone deserves a wonderful, cozy home. Whether it’s a humongous, modern mansion, or a little, cute bungalow. As long as you have a roof above your head and 4 walls around you, it does not matter.
When I think of my tremendous home, I visualize my mom’s terrific tandori chicken that tastes terrific and spicy. I always think of my mini, precious sister skipping around the house with her cuddly ,stuffed bunny. Whenever I walk into my awesome home, I see my adorable fish Memo, swimming around his tank like a mini cheetah. Every Friday, me and my family go to the comfortable, cozy couch and have delicious hot chocolate with crunchy, chocolate chip cookies and watch a comedy movie together. My family and I always have a joyful, exotic time at home and hear laughter all the time. Sometimes my house can turn into a massive zoo with papers all over the ground and everyone running around trying to find things for our next shopping adventure. These are the important reasons why everyone deserves a home with their loving families. Everyone should have a home to store wonderful memories. Thank you Habitat For Humanity for giving people a chance of getting a home. Everyone deserves a roof above their heads and 4 walls around them.
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