Home, a sacred space with kin,
where melodies begin,
made with our very voice within.
Whispers of comfort in your ear, easing fear,
it’s the one place you hold dear.
Bricks and mortar may make a house,
but a home is immutable,
one that can not be doused.
A house short or tall,
doesn’t matter because a home is more,
it’s where me and my sister play and explore
and the parents are models we will always adore.
Locked and closed a house may be,
but a home is where we can always rest and repose
and never lose the key.
It’s somewhere full of the sun's rays,
with laughter ablaze,
with a simple piece of writing, it can not be portrayed.
Silent or loud, either way, a mother's hum is endowed.
A parent preparing soup and rice is one slice of life.
One you should cherish and make sure to not lose the knife.
Deserted and cold, a house may unfold.
Yet with family close by,
a home is always warm and protected from all storms.
Reassurance near, never a tear,
a home will always be sincere.
In a building so grand or a hole in a tree.
The only place I most value is home, where I can be me.
Cooking and laughter, chapters of life.
Stories and smiles, where parents are always in reminiscence at night
A house is a cozy warm nest,
where we rest,
and a home is a mother bird's song,
teaching us to be strong.
Habitat for Humanity offers a rare opportunity you don’t find every day,
So it is best to not leave it and waste the day away.
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