The Most Important Place
Have you ever thought about your favorite place? Well, mine is home and I bet you're wondering why I picked this place and here are some reasons why. First of all, Home is where my family is and I have six people in my family: me, my parents, my brother and my grandparents. And whenever something is wrong my family always has my back. My home always makes me feel happy no matter what.
When I’m bored I usually play on my Nintendo Switch. I play Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. My favorite place in my home is my room and I bet you're wondering what my room looks like. My room has a Bunk Bed and I bet you're wondering why. My brother and I share a room because my grandparents still live with us .
I also spend most of my time drawing or sketching things that we don’t see in our everyday life. I also have a bunch of couches at my house and I bet you can guess what I do on them. I pull up into a handstand and then flip into a bridge on the couch. And then watch TV upside down. Every once in a while, Me and my family go out to dinner. Which is really special to me because whenever me and my family are together it’s really nice.
As you can see, after hearing all these reasons why home means so much to me. I bet you can tell why I wrote about this topic
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