What Home Means to Me
Home isn't just a place with four walls, it is way more than that. Home is where you feel happy , loved, and safe. You have family and friends to comfort you. Home is a place to laugh and cry, a place to love and be loved by your family. A place to feel brave, proud and confident. Home is where you can relax after a busy day at work or school. Home is a place where you can be creative and curious. Home isn't always perfect but you're always loved by the people at home. Home is where you can talk to the people at home about your day and what you hated about it. Home is where I celebrated my first Birthday and Chistmas. Home is where I can be sad or mad. Home is where I can be myself and have fun. Home isn't just about the things home is about the people inside that love and care for each other. Home is where I can sleep in my bed all day. Home is a safe place full of family and friends that care for you. Home is also where I can keep my room clean and neat. Home is where I can eat whatever I want. Home isn't just a place with four walls, it is way more than that.