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The meaning of home

Hi, my name is Emerson. I'm in 5th grade and I'm going to be talking about what home means to me and how it makes me feel. I hope you enjoy it. Home is the place where I feel free to be myself. I can share my opinions openly without being scared. I can do what makes me happy all the time no matter what. Home is where I don't have to be someone I'm not. Home makes me feel happy, welcome, wonderful, amazing, and terrific. To me home means a place where I can be honest about my feelings, where you don't have to be scared, or dishonest but most importantly, happy. When I'm home all my worries go away like they were never even there. When I'm home I feel all of the weight start to drift off my shoulders and go away. Home makes me feel positive and good about myself, home makes me feel loved but most importantly, I love my home. In conclusion to me, home is a place where I can be me. I hope you enjoyed my meaning of home writing project.


Grade 5

Peterborough, Ontario

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