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What Home Means To Me

In this story I will be writing about what home means to me. One of the great things about having a home is that you can have the best time of your life but, you can also have a rough time in your home, and that is why home is special because it can make and bring back memories. The subject of home can be a very easy thing to talk about and it can be a very hard thing to talk about. For me it is very easy thing to talk about, because I have a very loving family and that helps me have a wonderful home. I know for other people out there that it is not an easy subject, and when I was in grade one it was not an easy subject because my parents had just got a divorce. That was a time when the subject of home was not pleasant, but now I love to talk about my home. One of the many reasons that my home is my home is because my family, sometimes my family can be a bit annoying and sometimes it can be nice to have family around. I think that to make a home you need family, but that is just my opinion. That is one of the many reasons I think that a home needs and I respect if people do not agree with these statements because every home is different, and I respect that. Home is a place that people feel that they can or cannot express their emotions and that will affect your family too so you should be mindful about how other people feel. This is the end of my essay on what home means to me and I hope that other people enjoy reading this, and I hope that everyone has a good situation at home, thank you for reading my essay.


Grade 5

Lansdowne, Ontario

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