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Meaning of Home

House is just a thing But home is where you feel safe And comfortable And home is your space Home is where your heart resides Your family, too Home is where you play, And laugh, cook, and sleep for hours And home is so bright A home is special A home has a family Who will care for you At home, you can be Sad, happy, angry, relaxed And much more feelings Home is where you will Always belong, you don’t need To be invited. Home is where you feel Loved, and cared about, sheltered And out of harm’s way A house is basic It is plain and unadorned And it’s boring, too A house has no life No colour, No excitement Home is much better For me, my home is In a big, tall, apartment Nine stories high up And I love it just Because I can freely be A couch potato And every home Will be unique and special In its very way


Grade 4

North York, Ontario

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