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Home is Where Family Is

Home is Where Family is By: Arabella Charles There is no place like home, everyone deserves a home because it is where you belong. Home is shelter. A place with lots of pictures of happy or sad memories that will be remembered always. It is a place where you can be safe and protected from storms. Where you can decorate it your way to fit your comfort and to fit you. Shelter is a place where you raise children to be the best they can be no matter where you are. Shelter is a place to have fun. Home is where family is. Family is where you can celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and cultural events. It is where your pets can also feel like they belong and where they feel like they are family. Families can be different: you could have two moms or two dads or one parent, but no matter what, you are a family. Home is where you feel safe and welcome. It is where you can express yourself no matter who you are. Home is having fun and sharing it with your friends and family. It is baking cookies with your grandma, playing outside with friends, and laughing at bad jokes. Home is just a place where you can be happy. Home is for every one of us because we all need a home. Hopefully, everyone will soon have a home.


Grade 4

Spencerville, Ontario

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