What Home Means to Nyla
Home has a family's love, their comfort and their gratefulness. Home has special memories with the people I love. Not too long ago, the power went out where I live, and my clock started buzzing like crazy!! I woke up and got up to go get my mom, and when I was in the middle of my hallway, I heard my TV turn on in my kitchen! That memory has stuck with me for a while now, and when I think of home, I always think of that! Home can mean a lot of different things for different people. For some, it may be your mom kissing you goodnight, or hanging out with family and friends. For christmas, my dog Obi, got three new toys in his stocking, that same day, he destroyed two of them, but the lobster with three places you could squeeze and it would squeak, he had that for about two more weeks, but he ripped a hole in it and now its sitting behind our speaker. Another thing is that when I was a baby, I would wake up in the middle of night like all babies do, but instead of screaming for my parents or just crying, I would call out, “Mimi!!”, the nickname I gave my older brother Murray. You should always be grateful for your home, because some people don’t have one
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