Why My Home is a Burger
Firstly, let me explain to you why my home is a burger, like the buns, my parents keep our home held together by cooking,cleaning and repeating. For my dad it's more like cleaning,cleaning and repeating (he's a neat freak.) For the patty my siblings represent this greatly because you can never cook it/them right. It’s either fighting, laughing or just plain old drama. Either way I love them. Lettuce, the lettuce isn't necessary but I'm glad I've got it. My fish is my lettuce because, just like lettuce, some people don't really like having it. Most people have pets and are happy to have them, and so am I. Cheese, I love my cheese, my cheese is a necessity, and so are my friends. Without their support I'd probably be a useless dud living under a rock by now! I'm very grateful to have great friends who’ve helped me through it all! Toppings, my toppings don't need to be the greatest thing because toppings can go from my favorite couch to a TV remote, toppings are small things in our life that make us, well us. One of my bigger toppings is my couch, to be honest I spend a lot of time on my couch. From being sick to just chilling on the couch. I think everyone deserves to have and make their own unique burger. Hopefully my effort makes a difference in our community!
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