Meaning of Home
When you walk into your house, it immediately becomes your home.
Bright lights and shiny sparks fly around the room. Loud music pours across the spot, and positive energy fills the area. The smell of fresh, home-made cookies floats down to the ground. Hours of movies and TV shows pass by, and now it's bedtime. My soft bed catches me like feathers as I rest my head on the soft, silky, pillow. I’m glad I have a roof over my head and a comfortable bed to sleep in. Some people don't have a safe house and a nice loving family, which probably makes them feel unsafe and unhappy, so that's why Habitat for Humanity helps the less fortunate get their own home to love and feel safe in! They can share amazing memories like you and I have been doing for years! At the end of the day, everyone should be happy and warm in their home, and not sad and cold on the sidewalks. There are many ways to help, so let's all try our best and work together to make this world a better place.
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