The Warmth of Home
The warmth of home is in the breeze and through the air spring, summer, fall, winter.
Home is my safe place all year i play in the backyard in the summer with my
Step siblings feeling safe. Home is a happy place my family and i play board games
Such as clue, exploding kittens, happy little dinosaurs, catan and snakes and ladders.
Home is hay river hearing the water stream from the falls and going on the trail taking
Pictures with family smelling the pine trees. The warmth of home is making pancakes in
The morning with the canadian maple syrup and butter and eating them with your family.
The warmth of home is making memories with the family going swimming and camping.
The warmth of home is rushing outside to play in the rain. The warmth of home is
Going on road trips with my family we play car games and have fun.
The warmth of home is making food and learning new recipes with my mom.
The warmth of home is playing video games with my siblings.
The warmth of home is laying in the grass smelling the fresh air with no interruptions
The warmth of home is spending Christmas with family.
No force is stronger than the warmth of home
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