What Home Means to Me
Home can be so many things, but this is what it means to me. Home means to me, going home with a roof over your head, and warm food. When I get home from school, I get filled with joy and love from my parents and pets. Home is where you should be happy and home should be a place where you feel welcomed and
Safe. On the weekend, I play outside with my pets and make memories and new experiences. It makes me happy, when my mom makes all her yummy treats like her peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips, and for supper she makes really good rice and chicken, with cooked veggies like carrots, beans, cauliflower and broccoli. I’m so lucky that I have friends that live so close, I play with them nearly every single day.
We have a friendly neighborhood with lots of elderly people. I like to go and visit with them ,play games ,and share conversations. Sometimes, they give me treats. My neighbors beside me give me milk, oatmeal cookies and raisin toast with mints. They always have mints and biscuits on the center of their table in a glass dish that looks like my grandma's vintage one in her room, that holds assorted knick knacks like her ,bobby pins, pennies, elderly people stuff. In my house there is a special room in the basement; it is the storage room. I like to play in it with my kittens and dress them up in clothes and accessories. I also like to play with my dolls and other toys especially, my teddy bear Mr. Todd and Molly, the tiger they're my favorite.
This is what home means to me
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