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What Home Means to Me

When I am at home I am in the zone. Home is where I can be myself, away from school and away from being a fool. I am with my family and those who love me. Home is where you smell cooked food. Home is a place where you can stay up and eat junk food. A home can be made by sticks and mud or great big blocks of snow. A home can be twenty stories tall or in the ground below. A home can have a mill above or a chimney on the side. A home can be where you’re safe and sound or with family, friends and more. A home is a warm and soft place. A home is where you can have your heart and all that you adore. Wherever I am, wherever I roam. A place I will always remember is home. With love in the air and a dash of respect found everywhere equals one happy family with cups full of memories. Home is part of my identity!


Grade 6

Etobicoke, Ontario

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