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Meaning of Home

Meaning of home A home is not just four walls and a roof it’s a place full of love, family and memories. A place where I feel safe. Home is different for everyone. But for me home is a place where all my stress disappears, a place where I can be myself without worrying what people think of me, a place where I know I’m loved and special. Home is where my dad, mom and sister live and where we make memories that we will never forget, where we throw birthday party’s and celebrations with the people we love, where the smell of my moms baking fills the air. But my home is not perfect there are chips in the stairs, dents in the wall and stains on our table but the chips, dents, and stains don’t matter, they are what remind us of the fun things we’ve done. I love my house, but I don’t need it, I could live anywhere, as long as I have my family and friends by my side. By : Chloe Quest 6e année École Élémentaire LaMarsh Niagara Falls, ON


Grade 6

Niagara Falls, Ontario

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