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Meaning of Home

A home is a place where I can relax and play with my family. A home is where I snuggle with my dog on scary nights. Home is a place where I stay when I am all alone. Home is where all my neighborhood gets together. My home is where I find love, care, and laughter. My home is cozy and where I can be myself. Home is where I can play outside in the backyard with my dogs. Home is where I feel the fire when it's cold outside. Home is where I stay summers through winters. Home is where I spend all my holidays and traditions. Home smells like my mom’s famous mutton. Home is where my bedroom is, which is my favorite spot because I can feel all my emotions. Home is where I feel safe. I love my home because of my dog. My dog is so cute and I love him so much. Home is where I make memories. I can never find anything like home. This is the meaning of home to me. Thank you Habitat of Humanity for helping people in need!


Grade 4

Brampton, Ontario

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