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The Meaning of Home

Home. It can be a place, a feeling, a sound, a taste, a smell but to me home is the pages of an interesting book, It is the wavelike spray of snow from my skis. Home is the joyful warm touch of hot chocolate on my lips, it is the warmth of the new spring sun on my back. Home is the sound of a recorder playing the light high notes of a new song. Home is family’s and friend’s large smiles filling you up with joy, it is the smooth stiff feeling of a volleyball. Home is the loud bubbly giggles of my siblings dashing through the halls. Home is the feeling of crisp cold air on your cheeks. It is flopping on your bed and giggling after a fun game with your friends. Home is the whir of a sewing machine starting up. Home is the sharp crumbly crack of a geode opening , it is planning a meeting for a club. Home is the whisper of the wind on a cool autumn morning. Home is the cool splash of water on my ankles when looking for minnows in a cool blue stream. Home is the clear glassy glint of a large shimmering lake. So that is the meaning of home to me.


Grade 4

Calgary, Alberta

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