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The meaning of home

The meaning of home is vast and immense A safe place where love is guarding the fence It is a deep connection and sense of belonging Heart and soul full of love without any longing No matter how hard goes the day and night When you reach home, happiness is brought to light If all the worries and troubles go round and round Then home is the only place where peace can be found A house has four walls but home has none It has endless laughter, joy and fun Bricks can fall but the foundations are stable Where everyone gathers around one table Home is father’s love and care of mother Full of comfort and security like no other Home is sister’s chirpiness and adventures of brother Where memories happen holding one another When I think of those without a dome I am grateful to have a place called home Building homes for others should be our agenda Just like the one by Habitat for Humanity Canada


Grade 5

Cambridge, Ontario

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